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Bruce (Slang)

A term that uses Bruce as a adjective, often used like "cool" or "awesome". This slang only exists in the world of Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja and nowhere else. Tbh that might be for the best.

Guy : that was so Bruce (Slang), I nearly cried.

Gal : I know right? I just wish I could see that again!

by Atypical Guy May 29, 2024

boot slang

1) A term used when expressing disgust or weirdness to something or of something

2) a come back to something so stupid that you don't even need an explanation

Her: come on please....
Him: stop being a bot slang

Example #2
Him: smells like boot slang in here

Example #3

Her: yeah and? What was I supposed to do
Him: shit idk I'm a total boot slang for believing that you could ever make one good decision

by RoseVelvet09 December 28, 2017

Skid (Kentucky slang)

It means skid

Guy 1: Damn, she's a Skid (Kentucky slang)
Guy 2: Yeah, for sure

by skidman56 February 1, 2023

Back Slang It

An 1800's term used by thieves to indicate that they wanted to go out 'the back door' or 'the back way'.

“Let's back slang it with this money before the police arrive.”

by C L G January 31, 2021

siri slang

When you ask Siri to write a message for you and the result is some slang you've never heard of before.

Michael "we gotter"
David "I thought that was some PA slang right there"
Michael Laughed at “I thought that was some PA slang right there”
Michael "that's some siri slang!"

by Siri Slang November 10, 2022