Source Code

John Rosenthal


My name is John Rosenthal and i like hunting

by john rostenhal July 10, 2024

Thomas John Morris

Man who pulls all girls into his car and smashed them in the Krogers parking lot

"Yo you see Thomas John Morris over there?he smashed t women in his pick up truck one time!"

by Jrjfjddbeb October 19, 2023

Isaiah john

He's cute , he zesses plenty n he does fuck rel ting🔥

Isaiah john is a zesser

by Lsjsnsn October 19, 2019

John Teacher

A bulky man who loves green, and talks about his cats nonstop. His main students are Claire and Sarah. Goes on his phone while he gives us 91876 assignments to do in 45 minutes.

"Complete the 91876 assignments in 45 minutes, or it becomes homework!" John Teacher screeched, in his raspy voice

by Milkis Official September 29, 2020

John Teacher

The teacher that is loud, likes green, and talks too much about his wife and cats. Full of himself and does his phone while giving us 916247 assignments to complete in 45 minutes. A hypocrite.

"Finish the 916247 assignments in 45 minutes! Or it'll count as homework." John Teacher screeched, in his raspy voice.

by Milkis Official September 29, 2020

John Gaylord

Slang word for anyones' gay dad, especially Donald Trump

"Donald Trump is the gayest fag I've ever set eyes on!"
"Yeah, he's a total John Gaylord"
"WTF does that even mean?"

by John_Gaylord March 29, 2016

john rogers

A simple man with simple tastes. He enjoys petting his dog, salami tacos, chicken strips, Netflix and long walks by the river. He always tries to go to bed on time and never goes to parties.

Stop acting like a John Rogers! ( A young man who acts old).

by Jessie Young February 3, 2018