Source Code

John Kem

He loves Aira

John Kem is weak

by Sshhhhhhhhhhhhh June 9, 2021

john homer

You cannot speak engrish. You do brack magic and are too good at it... wut du hell?

da herro i am the person john homer i can do brack magic and i drink brackish da water

by iamdabrackmagicmaster March 7, 2016

John Homer

To masturbate in front of someone while they cut your toenails

Man, you're not going to believe it, I pulled a fuckin John Homer on her!

by Digidark April 25, 2018

John trapper Tice

The best Appalachian bigfoot hunter known for the saying go get that son of a bitch.

That man is a John trapper Tice

by Briar oswald January 19, 2021

John Moonman

John Moonman is the guy who cuts the moon into smaller pieces of cheese so humans may get a taste.

Internationally known as the most important lunar man.

"Yo peep John Moonman up there trynna fetch me some cheese."

by SugarManDon'tGetSalty December 31, 2022

John Tobin

A very drip tastic man whos very enthusiastic, He provides god like abilities to life and will enhance you as a person by 10x. But do be aware he is going to go on his 15 (if thats alright)<--(no longer applies)
also the handkerchief is drippy

John Tobin is a very handsome and driptastic fella

by Charles Wilam Shirkling Wizard February 27, 2022

John Tobin

A very drip tastic man whos very enthusiastic, He provides god like abilities to life and will enhance you as a person by 10x. But do be aware he is going to go on his 15 (if thats alright)<--(no longer applies)
also the handkerchief is drippy

John Tobin is a very handsome and driptastic fella

by Charles Wilam Shirkling Wizard February 27, 2022