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Fresh wig?

The act of having a new hair doo or the maintenice of a pre- existing hair style.

(Girl walks in the room)

Boy: Fresh wig?

Girl: Yea you know I had to get my hair done.

by gflu July 31, 2009

Wig flew

A phrase that originated from Danho's homonymous song, used quite often in Stan Twitter. It signifies a state of shock, surprise, or excitement caused by a song, event, video, or image.

Gigi: OMG, did you see that video?
Andrea: Of course, wig flew!

by ViaD'Agem September 8, 2017

Wig City

Derivative of "wiggity-wack."

Something terrible.

yeah man, wig city

by Everybody Laughs August 11, 2011

maidens wig


"Gurl shave your maidens wig!"

by Rose56966 July 18, 2017

Don't crack my wig

Don't give me a headache you square.

If you don't dig jazz don't crack my wig about it.

by Beanaeb November 21, 2011