Source Code

Rejected Ejected

When you get rejected and ejected from the friend zone.

Bro… (9Pedosom)
Yeah? (7Pedson)
I got Rejected Ejected(9Pedosom)

by Α March 10, 2022

micro rejection

The experience of disappointment when a small statement, action, or gesture goes unacknowledged... especially exacerbated by the social media age

Guy 1: She didn’t answer my text for 2 hours but she just posted a story on Instagram
Guy 2: dang man, that’s a micro rejection

by Andy Taylor March 20, 2021

Rejecting comma use

Saying ''No'' when someone asks you to use a comma is a sign that u shit yourself.

It goes as shown:

Rejecting Comma Use.

P1: ''You should really use a comma; I dont understand what you're saying!''
P2: ''No''
P1: ''Oh! Did you crap your undergarments?''

by tastychilde March 13, 2023