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a little teasing

When you make fun of your short friend

They couldn't handle a little teasing

by A bad idea April 21, 2023

Information Tease

When someone starts telling a story/ saying something then refuses to say the rest.

Friend: Oh my god this weekend was sooo craazy!
Yourself: what happend?
Friend: Oh I can't tell you.
Yourself: You's such an information tease!

by Neenee2014 April 5, 2011


A prank where the prankster hits the gas just when the victim is about to hop in to the car. Usually repeated a few times. Victim ends up walking a distance before getting into the vehicle.

Driver (with the car on stand-by): "Is everyone in the car? Can we go"?
Passenger 1: "Hold up, Alex is coming"
Passenger 2: "We should totally hop-in-tease him"

Driver moves the car forward just when Alex is about to open the car door
Alex walks forward to the car
Driver moves the car forward again just when Alex is about to open the car door

Alex: okay I'm not getting in unless you back up to me
Driver: alrite, alrite, wont do it again, get in, we're getting late

Alex moves towards the car door and just when he reaches the door driver hits the gas again.

Alex: Ah F*** off

by santaklawze November 30, 2011

tease virgin

When you sexually tease a person that you are talking to. You dont even have to be a virgin to be called this that simple fact is irelevant.

God damn it paul I just cant believe that your talking to another tease virgin!

by Jim, the tease virgin January 23, 2016

Elevator Tease

When at a business where there's a freight elevator, and the main floor rings the bell signalling that it is getting sent up... but never comes up.

*Bell ringing*
Person 1: Oh yay! they are sending up the elevator!
*3 minutes later*
Person 2: uhh, I don't think they are.

by Friggin' Biggs November 21, 2010