Source Code

yellow nuke

when you microwave peeps

don't microwave peeps, you will end up with a yellow nuke.

by yardardar April 9, 2021

nuke rain

n. Catastrophic bombing or wanton destruction of a helpless opponent in a pointless confrontation.


Kiev needs to ready itself;: a nuke rain is gonna fall.

by gnostic3 February 28, 2022

Nuking the fridge

A statement relating to a speculatively unfeasible activity in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, where Jones climbs into a fridge during a nuclear explosive test. It's also a synonym for "jumping the shark".

However, contrary to popular belief, nuking the fridge is feasible.

The fridge in the scene is lead-lined, so Jones is shielded from the initial burst of radiation. However, some have pointed out that the fridge is still in the radiated zone, so 20 years are off of his life, except they aren't. Remember, he drunk from the Grail, so the remainder of its power is dissipated when it shields him from radiation.

Normal Guy: Hey, you think the nuking the fridge is a feasible scene?
Responder: Nah, it can't be. How can he survive a nuclear blast from a fridge?
Intellectual: Actually it is. The fridge is a) lead-lined and b) sturdily built. So yeah, it is feasible!
Responder: Then what about the radiation? How's he not losing 20 years off his life?
Intellectual: Quite simply. He drank from the grail, remember? The power he gained from that dissipated protecting him from it.
Normal Guy: Huh. Never knew it was.

by TheCrusader1296 January 10, 2021

Nuking the Fridge

when your late at night hungry ass needs a snack but ends up clearing out the fridge.

Stevie: yo where tf is the food cuh
Jimbo: sorry bro was nuking the fridge last night

by Shaq87 October 20, 2020

Nuking the fridge

Throwing a microwave at a fridge as hard as one can.

"Holy shit Dave was caught nuking the fridge!"

by Pee hole jenkins July 2, 2021

Brown Nuke

A Fart so long and loud it's almost a shart and clears the area like the blast wave of a bomb.

guy one: Wow that guy should eat less cheese, he almost shit himself.

guy two: He set off a brown nuke.

by TG35 August 14, 2022

nuking missouri

bear finally comes to missouri to take charlie on a waffle house date

yo bro i'm nuking missouri

by bigfriendlybear April 11, 2021