Source Code

To Pull a Sniper

IPA: ˈpʊl ə ˈsnɑ͜ɪˌpɚ

v., Idiomatic

To "accidentally" (read: purposely) pull mobs in MC, including Ragnaros, resulting in the wipe of the entire raid.

Iron: I can't deal with this shit. If someone is going to pull a Sniper everytime we run MC, I'm just going to have to commit sudoku.

by Elerin December 10, 2019

Karate sniper

A "Karate sniper" is a sweaty teenager who plays fortnite and clash of clans. They cant

Are you a karate sniper? because you seem cracked at hand to dick combat

by cumlord21 December 29, 2022

The bum sniper

An urban Scottish legend who preys on women at night. He’s usually seen bollock naked with a gas mask on. He catches his prey by blowing paralysis darts on his preys bum cheeks.

“Boss I can’t come into work today as my arse is in tatteres, restricting me from sitting down, this was the handiwork of the bum sniper.”

by Jeremy van foreskin October 19, 2022

#1 sniper

sniper tf2

dominate a casual server.
you're the #1 sniper.

by dplumpkin August 21, 2023

dirty sniper

To put ones penis down the barrel of a sniper rifle and then later eat ones own poop

Man did you hear that guy died of to much dirty sniper

by Not a real doctor March 1, 2021

Cheeky sniper

I phrase of 'OriginalHuman' to describe every sniper rifle in Call of Duty.

Luke: "There's a shotgun over here, but I want to keep my cheeky sniper"

by ErelGold May 13, 2020

Log Sniper

When a guy's sperm directly lands on a pussy once he ejaculates ten feet away from said pussy

"Call me a log sniper because you're gonna have a lil bro in nine months"

by Anchovy November 30, 2022