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Someone/ something surprising shocking or unexpected. A person with an impulsive or unpredictable personality.

I can’t believe Joe got all the way to the way to the altar and said ‘I don’t.’ That was a real piss-cutter.

by 3hourtour May 19, 2024

Piss cutter

A vehicle (typically compact car) thats a real piece of junk and somebody (usually in the NE area) zooms around in.

"Man did you see that thing!? What a little piss cutter*....the tail light was dragging on the damn road!

* pronounced"cuttah" if in Boston

by dannybampants March 30, 2016

Carrot cutter

Someone who is so dumb the only job suitable for them is cutting carrots.

Joe over there failed his math test, he's for sure destined to be a carrot cutter


You had one job you f**kn carrot cutter!

by Claudius trufflescale June 1, 2020


They are smart,funny,and they usually get a lot of girls.

Damn Cutter gets all the girls

by Strawberry_Pimp March 20, 2020


The type of butter that results from spreading butter on a pair of titties. While getting a boob job, the cum mixes with the butter. You can scoop this mixture and churn it into a delightful treat called Cutter.

Can you please spread some cutter on my toast?

by greeniecakes July 24, 2023


people who are cutters are usually suicidal, depressed , or just want attention cutting is a form of stress reliving but isn't healthy. cutting is mainly used by emos, goths , or suicidal people. some people do it to get attention from their parents and friends. others do it to be edgy or to kill themselves..

p1 what happen to your arms dude?
dp1 dont worry....hehe

girl 1 i have ptsd sucidal thoughts , lsd , depression , and i am a cutter
boy2 shut the fuck up no one cares
girl 2 hey leave her alone

by isaacgalindo October 8, 2019


the biggest lebron james fan

cutter is lebron james

by ahahahhahahahha January 6, 2022