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nuke the corn farms

3. To send a nuke every corn farm in the world

3. Jim: I hate corn! I'm gonna nuke the corn farms!

by November 7, 2020

Danny Nukes

He is the sexiest baseball player you've ever seen. He hits baseballs like a mofo. He gets too many bitches he can't handle the hordes of females following him. Massive cock too.

Damn bro Danny Nukes has such a Big Cock.

by akslaj;flkj May 23, 2022

nuke horse

Something important or relevant for a short amount of time, after which it becomes irrelevant or unimportant.

That relationship was a nuke horse, it's good you broke up with him

by fghjdfokjsa July 12, 2021

chili nuke

When someone eats so much chili that they poop their pants and fill the room with highly toxic gas.

"Man, Why did you chili nuke?"

by You stupid... October 7, 2020

nuke in a suit

crack in the sock 90s kid

is there a nuke in a suit on the street?

by Cody5050 January 12, 2021

Im on the roof of nuke town

(squeaking) Daniel im hacking im on the roof of nuke town!!!

(squeaking) im on the roof of nuke town!

by Im on the roof of nuke town September 14, 2022

Group Nuke

What happens when FuckBoomersCorp™️ takes over a conservative Facebook group and burns it down.

FBC’s got another group nuke going down! Just stole Real Trump Patriots and renamed it Transgender Communists for 4th Trimester Abortion.”

by FuckBoomerCorp™️ July 30, 2020