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mutually abusive relationship

A relationship that is based on unhealthy conflict.

Have you heard of Johnny and Amber’s mutually abusive relationship? Those two love bickering and fighting all the time but both of them seem to love that aspect of it.

by Jsonbourne May 14, 2023

1👍 1👎

Abuse Per Spam

Like 'Pay Per Click' and 'Cost Per Click, 'Abuse Per Spam' refers to the rate of abuse one goes through because of internal spamming. Internal spamming is all about colleagues sending unwanted and unsolicited information to each other.

Gagan's Abuse Per Spam has reached the peak levels now. We need to do something!

by KSS007 August 23, 2011

Alexa abuse

Alexa abuse is acts of discrimination towards people with the name; Alexandria, or Alexandra who go by the nickname Alexa.

Person: Lmao! Your so stupid
Alexa: Is this Alexa abuse
Person: Ur srsly so ugly
Alexa: Alexa abuse much?

by luluwazhere January 27, 2023

Substance abuse disorder

New clinical/medical term for a person's drug abuse issues

Substance abuse disorder should be abbreviated as sad, where sad is a noun. I don't suffer from sad.

by Sexydimma June 3, 2023

Elise abuse

When you abuse a person named Elise.

This man committed Elise abuse towards Elise.

by Archie_savage February 23, 2023

abuse me baby

You use this when you want to have sex but you can make it obvious.

Daniel: Hey baby, what you wanna do tonight?
Laura: Abuse me baby...

by Tiff Speak April 23, 2018


Someone who is religious only for selfish reasons. Such as looking down on others, forgiveness for their future sins, justifying discrimination, hate crimes, and such.

He’s a God-abuser. He only joined that religion because he found out he could gamble.

That God-abuser said it was ok to do drugs because she was just gonna ask God for forgiveness on Sunday.

A God-abuser justifies hitting their spouse using the bible.

by I_caveman August 22, 2019