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leik i even care

when you do not care about what was said to you

Human 1: Hey man did you hear what that guy said about you?
Human 2: leik i even care

by :ge: October 5, 2017

Evening Push

A bunch of men go into the forest and walk in a straight line till one shoots a dear and saves it for supper

I shot a deer during the evening push

by Hohan the Great November 21, 2020

even and peyton

A good couple. They are both super short and are super cute together.

Wow look it is Even and Peyton

by lol lol lol lol lol lol lol February 13, 2018

Why did I even buy this mug?

What you might ask after buying a mug from Urban Dictionary.

1: Hey man, that mug sucks.
2: I thought it was funny, but now that I think of it, why did I even buy this mug?

by Why did I even buy this mug? April 25, 2024

even spread

An uncommon term used to describe any sauce and or dressing that covers any dish that has been layered perfectly resulting in total satisfaction of said dish or meal.

Dude, I went to sheetz and ordered the french fry bowl with queso and got an even spread! Fuck yeah!

by Youseemalittletenseman December 3, 2022

Fairly even

The best deal for both sides.

Them people so good to work with because they keep it fairly even.

by quicktogetlitt August 31, 2021

economic evener

when the government increases and fades out your nine different types of intelligence to keep the economy even.

The economic evener had the major cities be comprised of about the same amount of people working in certain professions.

by Coop Dupe March 20, 2020