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I'm gonna tell my mom

The most terrific comeback and scary thing ever it is really offensive to say NEVER SAY IT THE GOVERNMENT WILL COME FOR YOU

Oh yeah. I'm gonna tell my mom.

by The dictionary of holes June 14, 2022

My dick is gonna be the last thing you see before I fuck your eyes out.

A terrifying threat, don’t

My dick is gonna be the last thing you see before I fuck your eyes out.”

Dude what the fuck”

by A fucked up idiot October 25, 2023

I'm gonna touch you vro

Often used to imply that a person will touch another person, (vro), usually consensual and the actions performed are considered freaky.

1. If you don't stop right now I'm gonna touch you vro
2. I'm gonna touch you vro
3. Don't make me touch you vro.

by myshishthereal789 June 19, 2024

6👍 2👎

I'm gonna go watch some food

The point where you are so tired in the middle of night that you go tell your friends. I'm gonna go watch some food. Then you should realize what you said unless your really tired. (Credit to Anthony Calderon he said it first)

Hey brb I'm gonna go watch some food. Wait. What? (laughs)

by Mr. Willis April 20, 2016

Your brother aint gonna be a father

This insult is very dangerous and its ten times more effective than your sister a mister

This insult was used on Stephen Hawking.

Person A: your mom gay

Person B: Your granny tranny
Person A: Your brother aint gonna be a father

*the whole universe collapses*

by ravjeeet March 19, 2018

Haters gonna hate

normal definition: simply, haters are always going to find a way to try and hate on you, so say this

broi: bruh, really? is that the best definition you could come up with?
bruh: yes, because its so over used that its not funny any more
broi: you are the definition of haters gonna hate

by someone else thats not u March 30, 2021