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The GOAT of all discordians.

Sinned means he is him, and you are nothing. The greatest of all time, the best of the best, and he is godly above your pure small and pitiful mindset.

by ihavevictims October 21, 2022

sin factory

someone who does many sinful acts with their s.o, acts that our homie up in heaven Jesus would not approve of

"Oh my gosh Kaitlyn you had sex with him? You're such a sin factory!"

by sinfactoryCIO January 8, 2018

Samara Sin

Samara Sin is the Mother Of All Sins, the demonic dancing diva, and the sweetest mean girl you’ll ever meet. She’s shady and nasty , while also being the most genuine bitch to ever walk the earth. News Flash, if you don’t like Samara Sin, she truly couldn’t care less.

Can you believe that bitch said I looked dusty and my hair looked crunchy? Then I looked in the mirror and realized she was right… what a fucken Samara Sin

by RaggedyHag666 November 22, 2021

Juan Sins

The bald prick that sold Daenerys Targaryen her unsullied.

Juan Sins is bald!

by Yakubain Ape 2 May 21, 2023

Sin slump

It's how you feel after you have done something you know you shouldn't have done as it is against the laws of God and it feels you feeling empty, unmotivated, disoriented etc.

Goodnews is you can always rise back up.

Darcy: hey what's wrong with sarah?
John: I think she's having a sin slump

by Cookie xx August 22, 2020