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When you find you got the bitch pregnant, so you light firecrackers off in her vagina to discard of any traces of life. This will most certainly make you lose your girlfriend unless she's into that. She will also probably be sent to an intensive care unit.

I'm going to be locked up in prison for like 25 years after performing an Abort-miss-tion on my gal.

by Platezz January 25, 2018

The Abortion

The Abortion an "Organic" and alcoholic duo shot. The Abortion is preformed by filling a shot glass with a "shot" of cum (human semen) and you fill another shot glass with any preferred strong alcohol example: vodka. Then you take the shot of cum and follow with the alcohol shot chaser.

Hey when I was at the bar last night I had The Abortion!

by W33bi December 1, 2021

Daelynn's Abortion Clinic

A very nice abortion clinic.

Daelynn, from Daelynn's Abortion Clinic, No Fetus Can Beat Us. How may i help you?

by big dick boooyyyy March 10, 2020

Double Abortion

Putting two pieces of gum in one’s mouth at the same time

Person 1: “Hey man, do you want a piece of gum?”
Person 2: “ Can I have two instead? I’m tryna pull a double abortion

by MeatPony October 4, 2018

Abortion Dodger

A woman, who by virtue of sheer stupidity and laziness, produces offspring which she then publicly parades and neglects, thus annoying everyone. This species is particularly virulent on British trains after 9 o'clock.

Abortion Dodger scrounger annoying chav neglect

by Perfectibilist April 28, 2016