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Someone who is perfect in every way.

She’s such a Gabbi.

by T my huff September 4, 2022

Lev and Gabby

Lev and Gabby the cutest couple out there. They love PDA, especially when it comes to showing it off to the single ladies

Girl 1- Have you seen Lev and Gabby?
Girl 2-Yeah they are so cute I’m so jealous

by Saebyeokismyqueen October 18, 2021

The Gabby Effect

Thew dated a girl named “gabby “ Come to find out it was 100% imaginary due to the 0 factual evidence of the relationship existing so the Gabby effect is used as the phenomenon in witch a person declares they are dating somebody but it’s actually 100% imaginary due to the lack of evidence of the relationship existing

Person : hey man how’s you and your gf

Thew: idk I’m currently experiencing the gabby effect

by Shuveit September 20, 2023

gabby lapeyre

just the sickest bitch out there she’s cool asfk

ayo have u heard of gabby lapeyre?
yeah dude she’s sick!

by yoyoyoyostee September 9, 2020

gabby gloria

gabby gloria is in love with raymond gloria and gets jealous

hey gabby gloria stop getting mad

by ihatemath123 March 29, 2021

Gabby Gun

A sticky poop glued to a butt

That girl has a gabby gun

by SimDevoSlipknot January 15, 2017

Gabby 3445

One of the best most beautiful and caring person you will ever meet. She will Be your best friend for ever. She will always be so nice to you and have a lot of inside jokes if you are one of her friends. She hates apples never give her apples. She will care for you when you need it and hug you and make you laugh when you need it too. Try to always be nice to her or she will not be your friend anymore. She is a friend that you will need forever in your life.She will always make you happy and always boost your day

Gabby 3445 is the best girl in the world

by Hehehehhessksksksksks December 10, 2019