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dam store

A very funny store name that is for a store next to a dam. Not overused in the slightest

“I’m going to the dam store.”

“Oh, I get it. Because it’s on a dam which also sounds like the word damn, so they made a very original pun while naming that store.”

by I put the fun in funeral January 3, 2021

stank store

a store ran by a military bastard that is expected to clean everything by himself as community service.

"I dont want to work at a stank store these people might be on drugs"

by Avery Williams October 14, 2017

gucci in the loui store

when something is going well

yo me and my girl Gucci in the loui store

by jordan jewsome January 7, 2022

thrift store coffee

When a person drinks the spent coffee from his own or another’s anemia.

Dave: Hey this coffee is horrible where did you get it?

Tyler: that’s some thrift store coffee left over from last night.

Dave: I love the extra taste it adds.

by Coffeeman400 May 10, 2019

Dollar store donkeykong

A huge guy who is ass at soccer named Daniel delgado who looks like fake donkeykong

Hey delgado why do you look like dollar store donkeykong

fuck you then

by XOTWOD23 March 16, 2022

Store Lars

A danish way of saying someone is retarded or incapable of doing basic tasks.

Look! He's in a wheelchair! He's such a Store Lars
God, how can you be such a Store Lars

by Kastanjemanden December 30, 2021

stored emotions

emotions that have been built up for a long time and you just fucking go off randomly or have a break down because of it.

did you see what Eva said to josh in the group chat?... I think she has stored emotions

by thebeautyofitall June 18, 2019