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rocky marcel nelson 3

A guy i totally ship with every girl i wanna fuck him so bad

rocky marcel nelson 3 is so hot he should fuck everyone

by Please kys improve the world January 31, 2023

Sam and nelson

The gayest boys you will ever meet. They like to sleep and touch each other. They say there just "keeping each other company" but anyone that is not deaf knows what their doing. Get wrecked nelson and sam

Liam: see that gay couple over there?
Liam:there total Sam and nelsons

by Sam and nelson November 2, 2019

Mrs. Nelson

A teacher who does nothing but judge you and will constantly pick on you. Sometimes she’ll even try to get you in trouble. She tends to pick favorites like the smart popular kids. She is mostly an ELA teacher and will give you a death stare. She’s very strict.

You with your friend walk into the class: oh no, Mrs. Nelson is here instead of a substitute

Your friend: dang it

by YourRegularGeek June 28, 2022

nelson crow

a farmer who makes bank and gets big penis

caleb: hey dude have you seen nelson crow?

Queer kid: yeah hes out working hard!

by nelsons juice January 27, 2022

Buttercup Nelson

When you douse a bitches pussy in butter then fuck her in a half Nelson

Yo bro I totally put her in a buttercup nelson

by Choppy Tom May 17, 2021

Vaughan Nelson

This N*gga sucks at smash bros. Fuck peach and fuck fox. Both get ran on the daily. Father God if you can hear me... fix that fucked up hairline! Just kidding but fr God please kill the barber that did that to him! He means too much to me. In all seriousness Vaughan is a great guy, has no car, but a big heart. Catch him on subway surfer ;) or in your mamma's friend's house!

Vaghuan Nelson: What up?
Friend: What's up mf, ready to get your shit run in smash?

Girl: hey boo what's your name?
Vaughan: It's Vaughan Nelson! Get it right! One!

by Teddy201 April 4, 2022