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Ecstasy/MDMA in a concentrated, pressed pill.

We had some fire presses last night; blue grenades I think they were called?

by redsfan1324 March 16, 2022


to confront some or question them about anything

John: I heard that was the kid talking smack
Jimmy: alright ima press him and see whats up with him

by HaryBalzack6969 October 25, 2023


People use this term to say your mad or you tell someone else they're mad.

This man is pressed that I stole his girl ong.

by elgueroo February 5, 2021


Press! Doing too much. Overly excited. It’s simple. First things first...it’s DC’s lingo (one of our words). Nobody in DC really adds the “ED” it’s just press!

Niggas are press to say press

by Dcthing January 17, 2019


A Jamaican Term For ironing

You Press Your Clothes For School

Did you Iron Your Clothes For School

by vybzworldboss May 27, 2022


To go off on someone and scream in their face. Most of the time push them into a corner or surround them too.

Ben to Friend: I’m gonna go press Riley
Ben: So you think it’s f*cking okay to do that?!
Riley: I didn’t do shit I swear

by violet2abby March 3, 2022


People that are usually are news reporters or newspaper writers that go too see report and publish news

Bodyguard: I will hold off the press.
Famous person: tell the press, no comment

by Proper definition April 7, 2019