Source Code

Crimson creek

When you get anally penetrated by a horse

Jimmeh experienced the Crimson creek when he received an unwanted advance at the grand national

by Ma Nigguhh November 27, 2015

Malevelon Creek

Vietnam but for gamers.

Malevelon Creek is a planet located in the Severin sector in Helldivers 2 that saw a ton of fighting against the automatons during February but was eventually lost. It became infamous in the community for its intense resistance and Vietnam war like environment. It was gloriously retaken on April 3rd as part of Operation Swift Disassembly.

"Oh god I'm having flashbacks.."
"Flashbacks of what?"
"Malevelon Creek flashbacks.."

by isntdylanvibing July 25, 2024

Greasy Creek Waffle Iron

A sexual maneuver in which you deficate on your partners chest and them press down on the pile with a waffle iron. You then cum on the pile to make syrup.

Dude I totally gave that prostitute a Greasy Creek Waffle Iron

by pimpdaddy007 September 5, 2011