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trunk space

The space in someone’s asshole.. used for hiding away items like drugs and/or money can be literally inserted up inside someone’s bum!

The inmate had $400 worth of heroin in his trunk space.

by Dont trip.. January 11, 2018

mexican trunk junk

Marijuana that is horrid. Mostly shake, stems and seeds, doesn't get you high, and doesn't last. Complete garbage.

I'm good on that mexican trunk junk.

by SmokeyBluntRoach November 15, 2014

Truffle Trunk

Truffle Trunk. Another name, for big booty, big ass and Junk in the Trunk.

Damn girl. You got a big truffle trunk.

by Idisownbikesnobs September 1, 2023

sphincter trunk

Tree trunk

Size up your Sphincter trunk cause you ain't got the life of a tree trunk you arsehole, shit just got in your way

by Wibblewobble October 25, 2023


Refers to (usually) a guy wearing either over-tight underwear or swim shorts with no shirt. This usually leads to a ‘trunk-top’ in which that person’s belly fat hangs over the top of their trunks. Similar to a muffin top, except specifically caused by swim shorts or underwear.

*Tom is wearing tight swim shorts by the beach*
Will: ‘Wow Tom, you’ve you’ve got a bit of a trunk-top going on there!’
Tom: ‘I know Will, that’s the beer belly for you!’

by MCLCLCNCJCOC123 February 13, 2019

Trunk bust

When you forget something in the trunk of your car, so when you go get it you decide to bust a quick nut in your trunk no matter where you are.

Friend: Bro, what is that white shit in your trunk?
Me: I did a trunk bust this morning.

by Tony two timez January 22, 2018

Trunk Waffle

Eating the booty like a syrupy waffle. Normally, when the booty is hot.

Ex: "OMG! He is Trunk Waffling her hardcore!"

"The Trunk Waffle the man enjoyed last night was warm and fine."

by Name_Changer January 4, 2016