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Zlong Method

The “Zlong Method” is a rizz technique that specializes in talking to a girl at a function for the whole night while intoxicated then never saying another word to them.

There he goes again using the “Zlong Method” to talk to a clapped underclassman

by Jhalvo October 29, 2023

math methoded

Referring to the abomination that the QCAA disguised as a maths methods exam, to the methods students of 2022. RIP our atars. #loweringthebellcurve

Damn, they really math methoded us with that bio exam.

by ass-kisser November 1, 2022

the breach method

Verb. When a man has to pee so bad that he, instead of unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, just straight up pulls his cock out and pisses.

James had to pee so bad that he used the breach method to relieve himself quickly

by BigBadBitch:) October 19, 2022

Waterfall method

When asked for an opinion, start by saying something nice to ease the blow of the waterfall of bad stuff you are about to say.

"How do i tell my friend that he is super annoying and terrible in every way."
"Start by saying he has nice hair."
"But he doesn't."
"Doesn't matter, its the waterfall method."

by Wagio December 7, 2017

The Synonym Method

When you secretly date two women that have the same initials, that way you put said initials in your instagram bio and both girls think it's them. Bonus points if they're related.

-Dude, I banged Alyssa Morrison in the morning and Amelia McInfrey in the evening.
-Wait so who's initials are those in your Instagram bio?
-I used the synonym method on 'em, they can't tell who "A.M.♡ " is, and tbh neither can I ;).

by Greenbergthewise July 30, 2019


The principle of approach every question with the counter question "Can we use nukes to solve it?"

"So, what will we do about the famine?"
"Archoleo-Botond-Method for the win! That way noone will feel hungry anymore!"
"Yes... But I have some concerns..."
"Nothing a nuke can't solve!"

by Nihilux July 4, 2024