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Full Court Pressed

An instance of being so pressed that you must defend yourself against a whole team of aggressors.

*Friends are all roasting buddy who's made a bad decision*
Roastee : STFU guys, it's not as bad as it sounds, you all are just stupid.
Roaster : Woah buddy don't be getting all full court pressed on us, we're just ribbin ya!

by HMatzy March 15, 2023

Jamaican Press Conference

The act of having a woman insert a smoking pipe, or any such instrument capable of smoking marijuana, into her vagina, and allowing a group no smaller than five people to reciprocate the contents from her vagina prior to her extracting the contents from the smoking device

Sally invited me and the folks over to partake of her weekly bud, only to find out that it was going to be a jamaican press conference; a sexual orgy followed us doing so.

by Dill_Swanson March 25, 2010

San Diego Wine Press

The sexual act of forcing one or two testicles into the anus of your sexual partner.

"The only thing more intimate than anal is a classic San Diego Wine Press."

"Bobby and Jill really sealed the deal last night with a San Diego Wine Press."

"Ski ball!? How about instead get do a San Diego Wine Press?"

by Thahash May 15, 2022

Press the button

start a course of action, particularly a nuclear conflict.

“No single leader has the authority to press the button, thankfully, launching nuclear weapons requires a complex sequence of approvals.”

by Arminkshipper July 8, 2024


Pressing female butt cheeks against the window from the inside of a car. Often while the car is in motion. If you can only see the butt cheeks, it is called a moon. But if you can see her cooter along with the moon, it is referred to as a cooter-press. Her butt along with her cooter are pressed against the window.

Oh my gosh Dilbert, did you see the car that just passed us? The girl in the back seat was giving us a cooter-press. Speed up and see if she will do it again.

by Pokefan88 January 14, 2008

volleyball press

When a middle age woman, with large fake breast unwantedly hugs a male from behind and pressses her large volleyballs into the males back.

Man, this crazy Milf came from behind and volleyball pressed me!

by ElVerde76 December 5, 2018

volleyball press

When a middle age woman, with large fake breast unwantedly hugs a male from behind and pressses her large volleyballs into the males back.

Man, this crazy Milf came from behind and volleyball pressed me!

by ElVerde76 December 5, 2018