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trip cutter

A substance (typically trazodone) that ends a bad LSD trip early. Trazodone works on receptors that essentially function in a manner opposite to traditional psychedelics, therefore effectively canceling out a trip. It is prescribed for insomnia and panic attacks, causing the user relief from anxiety during a trip and allowing them to calm down and "sleep off" the bad trip.

I'm having the worst fucking trip right now bro, do you have any trip cutters on hand?

by 5-hydroxytryptamine October 16, 2022

Corn cutter

Corn cutter = bung hole

Hey Kev, I noticed your corn cutter had an inordinant amount of corn in your poo and you cut it with your sphincter

by Hung tzu May 19, 2024

Bryan Cutter

An individual so smart, profound and specialized that it serves only a single purpose: Winning.

There is not too much known about Bryan Cutter's around the world, but whoever meets one will notice their aura right away. A mixture of mythology's Adonis and billionaire Jack Ma, combined into a relentlessly winning creature. Outsmarting and outshining everyone along the way.

Person A: " Wow, what you said was actually really smart and interesting- how did you know about that?"

Person B: "Ah, just now? I think I just Bryan Cuttered it out of nowhere..."
Person A: "You are a true god!"
Person B:"Woooo!"

by tiffanyleckmisch June 8, 2018

Cookie Cutter Nose

Someone who's nose is disintergrating from not using a straw to snort cocaine or other drugs, making it apear to be fake.

Hey look at Lindsey Lohan's nose from 1999 and now, she has a cookie cutter nose.

by SuperBlonde1991 January 3, 2011

cutter offer

Where you back out of some internet websites and search another more innocent one.

I did a cutter offer from porn to stop my mum from finding out.

by Shietz July 1, 2016

cookie cutter chick

The a-typical middle or high school girl that you don't want lend your sweatshirt to in fear of not getting it back. They try to be like every other girl in their school and become like them and typically wear yoga pants and white converses. Essentially how they appear on the outside doesn't differ much from other girls almost making them look like they were made from cookie cutters, hence the name cookie cutter chick. Look up thot for a wider reference.

Man, she is such a cookie cutter chick. Get yourself a unique girl.

by He who tattoos honey badgers November 11, 2017