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Canada Store

A place near Vancouver where a sigma male (Soros), kills people and delivers their meat to schools around the world. This helps him achieve his ultimate Sigma male grindset.

Have you seen him? No he must have been sent to Canada store.

by George Soros's Puppet December 3, 2021

Candy Storing

The act of sleeping with an excessive number of partners during a time of opportunity, usually following a long-term committed relationship.

Corie sure took advantage of his bachelor status following his divorce from Rhonda. He was like a kid in a candy store!

Yeah, he was Candy Storing big time!!!

by forever creepin' April 8, 2021

Candy Storing

The act of sleeping with an excessive number of partners during a time of opportunity, usually following a long-term committed relationship.

Corie sure took advantage of his bachelor status following his divorce. He was like a kid in a candy store!

Yeah, he was Candy Storing big time!!!

by forever creepin' April 8, 2021

Toad Toy Store

Toys for all ages 4-99. Mainly children, but adults could play with them if desired.

Do you want to go to the Toad Toy Store jimmy?

by Γαπδθμ Λφπ Δдялειг April 3, 2021

Branded Man Store

He is a synonym of handsome, once you know them they will let you fall in love even harder day by day for every clothes they sell. They are #1 Multibrand store in Plimbing city, and soon will conquer the +62 people.

Branded man store only sell authentic clothes. Dont come along while wearing your KW1, Grade Ori, or Fake stuffs! They burn'em all.

by Gongjinpeople November 22, 2021

Dollar store douchebag

To be a very low or poor quality douchebag

I met this guy the other night that seemed real nice at first but he turned out to be a Dollar store douchebag!

by LSCSnow2021 September 14, 2021

Challenged store

When you work in the grocery industry and your boss says you are working in a challenged store he really means it’s a shit hole.

The store you are going to work at is a “Challenged Store

by GroceryGuy302 August 20, 2019