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mr whatsittoya

What’s it to ya?

What’s your name?”

Mr whatsittoya

by Mr whatsittoya May 31, 2021

Mr. Squidlz

Mr. Squidlz is a little bitch, he doesn't even like frotnit. He is a bad person. he also is friends with David Earhart.

God, I fucking hate that MR. Squidlz

by Galafagose October 12, 2020

mr whippy shift

to describe some one as being super whipped by their girl/boyfriend.

hey did you go out last night or did you get stuck with a mr whippy shift.

by Scotty Matheson August 3, 2007

Mr Smith

to address the allegations: mr smith is NOT a pedophile. but he does hate us all;... he made fun of my haircut. (trust me, dhe idd he just doesn't remember it happening he has an old mushy brain)

mr smith said really mean things to someone

he was famous in poland

he stared at josh and it made him cry

person 1: wow Mr Smith amirite
person 2: he made me sad

by joebidenlovesmrsmith September 27, 2023

mr smith

A hot guy who gets all the ladies

WOW, its mr smith, soooo hot

by diego navica September 21, 2022

Mrs ferret

An old evil narcissistic delusional pe teacher who will happily give you a zero anytime and anywhere

Who's that crazy lady over there
Oh that's just Mrs ferret

by Maybe I wanna use my real name April 14, 2019

Mr Meats

A word in which one uses to explain a morbidly obese British male teacher that is severely addicted to fast food.

John - damn why is that teacher so fat
Jack - I don’t know but he looks like a Mr Meats
John - oh that explains it

by SalimAhmedYoussef December 5, 2020