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Isabelle Corn Felton

A Draco simp and an Eli simp (an addiction to a very hot depressed girl who barely sleeps)

wow i’m such a Isabelle Corn Felton

by idkimsuperhot July 24, 2021

Tyler and Isabel

Tyler and Isabel the most flirtatious couple out there. There always spending time with each other and like most of the same things. Best couple out there

Person 1: Look at that couple flirting
Person 2: They must be a Tyler and Isabel

by From-Lolabunny November 24, 2021

Isabel Ballard

The most beautiful, gorgeous girl in the whole wide world

Guy1: Holy cow this girl is so pretty
Guy 2: Yeah but not as pretty as Isabel Ballard

by psuedonymisreal May 6, 2024

issy issy is, isabelle

issy issy is, isabelle is another term for the Animal Crossing: New Leaf character Isabelle

issy issy is, isabelle's daily announcements

by HKPradil October 23, 2020

Lake Isabel

The lake 80 miles to Santa Fe that Dean Summerwind referred to in his single "Parked out by the Lake"

What lake is he parked out by?
I checked Google Maps, it seems to be Lake Isabel.

by ThanaGD September 7, 2022

isabelle mimms

A very quiet girl who can be confident but also very upset and not happy with who she is. She trys hard everyday to impress people. She cares so much about animals and loves horses. She gets very anxious infront of people but has a soft spot for her best friend. Sees beauty in everyone but herself however she knows she is pretty and she knows her body is beautiful no matter what people say but she dosent see that yet. Very sensitive. Very protective of the people she loves and would do anything for her bestfriend. Loves hugs and feeling safe and warm. Couldn't live without her bestfriend. Knows she is beautiful on the inside and the outside but dosent see it. Needs a boost but is a strong person with a good heart but knows she will never be as good as her bestfriend in anything and gets jealous of her and wishes to be a confident queen and be good at everything and have loads of other friends but realises life is life you only live it once so love everything you have got and be grateful.

Isabelle mimms has a kind heart.
Isabelle mimms is super sensitive!

by bubblesgum123 October 21, 2020