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Impala Terri

Impala Terri is a bad bitch from Oakland County, Michigan. Street cred is as good as it gets, Impala Terri earned her stripe long ago when she was just a lil nigga. Several felony convictions and a trip to the Big House solidifies her certitifation of being a real OG.
Word is Impala Terri has a four foot dick that is covered in scars and pimples and has pus coming from the tip. It is said that Impala Terri bathes her dick in garbage truck juice

"Impala Terri really got a 4 foot dick? "
"Yeah, she does. I sucked it a few times when money was tight. 20 bucks is 20 bucks."
"No shit? She only charged you 20 bucks? She told me 50!"
"Impala Terri a muff ukka"

by LongerDonger McMuffslayer April 22, 2024

Aaron Terry

An Aaron Terry is the kind of geezer that possesses a contagious merriment. An Aaron Terry is much like the Pied Piper, in the sense that he will happily skip along playing with his fiddle, with his joyous devotees dancing along closely behind him. He is the very definition of bubblyness, and his laugh could easily infect a room faster than COVID - so if you're not looking for a good time, wear a mask or get out!!

Look at that mexican wave, there must be an Aaron Terry knocking about!

by Ejthemaster November 23, 2021

Terry Bogard

a character that @RealCooki from twitter mains in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate.

Look guys, its Terry Bogard!

by shitfucker4000 January 17, 2021

Terrys chocolate orange

When a girl wears too much foundation

Beth your such a terrys chocolate orange

by Jamie corking lover 123 February 11, 2017