Source Code

Abominable Road Handy

When you are driving when it is cold out, have your passenger hold their hand out the window until it gets numb and then give you an Abominable Road Handy. Or do it to yourself...

It's like 30F out there! Stick your hand out the window for a bit so you can give me an Abominable Road Handy

by scrappy-don't April 27, 2011

abominable snowman cock

When a girl surprises you during anal by shitting all over your cock and pouring liquid nitrogen onto it.

"Yeah, Sarah gave me an abominable snowman cock last night. I had to cut the ice off with a knife."

by Filthymilfy December 15, 2015

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I am abomination

A band full of overweight cocky assholes who do nothing but self-promote on myspace and smoke weed.

Dude, the singer of I am abomination is trying to have sex with that 13 year old over there.

by dudemancore19 April 5, 2009

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Soulless abomination from the nethervoid

A dark horrid creature from the darkest abyss of hell, usually began their life being baptized in a sea of holy fire. These dark creatures walk our earth feasting on the dicks of the deceased, and on rare occasions living as well.

Little is known about them, they have been known to disguise themselves as 14-18 year old African-american/italian mixed male.

Josh: "Hey johnny wanna go hang out with mike?"

Johnny: "Hell no! Didn't you hear? He's a soulless abomination from the nethervoid

Josh: "Oh no! Hide your dick!

by catshitminkeywhoreloljk October 23, 2011

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abominal ho-man

A male seen among a group of eskihos. Normally trying to attrach a mate. This involves harpooningor trying to reel in some box.

"Holy sh*t! Check out that abominal ho-man he's trying to harpoon a moby dick! He must really be desperate."

by mikelly November 8, 2007

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Abomination-of-Science Egg Creature

1) A creature created in the name of science out of egg-shaped Rice Krispy Treats and yellow, white, and pink icing; Eyes oddly resemble sunny-side-up eggs.
2) An abomination of man, by man.

"This Abomination-Of-Science Egg Creature continues to fascinate scientists all over the world!"

"Pffft, Stephanie made an Abomination-Of-Science Egg Creature for Easter. It made everyone lulz."

by Ninja Sniper Kitty January 10, 2010

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Abominable Snow Daddy

A father who gets completely covered in snow while using the snowblower.

Tim became the Abominable Snow Daddy after spending 2 hours clearing the driveway and sidewalk in front of our house.

by SarahS February 23, 2007

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