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Can be defined as anybody with more humor than they know what to do with.

David is such an asshole, but that's why everyone finds him funny.

by juicejuicejuicy February 16, 2010

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An Asshole is someone who bitches and complains about everything and everyone but themselves. This also gets conflated with "being a Dick!" However a Dick is just someone who calls Assholes out on their shit.

Assholes come in varierty of intelligence level's ranging from the pathological to the profoundly gifted. However the varying degrees of Assholishness between them is spread pretty even across the board. Regardless of the strength of their argument or readily available facts involved.

Weather it's a "Fucking Asshole" "Motherfucking Asshole" or a stand alone "Asshole". An Asshole by any other name is still the same.

Dude was bitching up a storm to one of his workers about "how the garden hose gets wrapped around everything". Poor guy just got there and had nothing to do with it.

Man! That dudes an Asshole!

by IGetsPaid September 14, 2020


A gateway to that the devil himself is trying to pry open with his own hands if you've had one bit of Taco Bells menu.

Guy 1: no one told me my asshole would be burning.
Guy 2: What'd you expect from this two hour anal session?

by TheAssholeCleanersDotcom August 2, 2022


My Ex <3

My ex is an asshole <3

by Imisstherage_ June 8, 2021


Robert L. Hightower. 'nuff said.

Bob Hightower is a complete and total asshole. If you knew him you would agree.

by Jake speed September 2, 2008

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A guy who will keep on facing the people he keeps disrespecting (and facing afterwards).

What an asshole, but we sure haven't called him a coward while we were around him yet...when are we gonna gonna be ready to actually say some of what we thinking about saying?

by Solid Mantis July 20, 2018

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after reading several definitions on this site i can conclude that the definiction of this word is: the majority of people who submit definitions to this web site

that guy that wrote the definition of the word united states as that of a freedom loving people is a real asshole

by liberty lover October 6, 2003

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