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Heavens to Betsy

A Heavens to Betsy is a drink common to the People’s Republic of Massachusetts which is comprised of Raspberry Stoli vodka, Sprite, a splash of cranberry juice and a lime.

Yo toots, set me up with a Heavens to Betsy and make it snappy.

by Handsome Paul February 13, 2022

Dirty Betsy

When the female is being penetrated in the vag by her partners fat toe. Then the middle toe is inserted into the asshole repeatedly. If this act is done correctly the female will shit themselves causing an orgasm.

Wow, I finally convinced my girlfriend to let me give her a dirty betsy last night! It was fucking amazing!

by hotma34 April 15, 2020

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honest to Betsy

A weaker form of "honest to God". Since it's so much weaker, may actually imply the person is lying.

Honest to Betsy, I don't know what yer talkin' about!

by __Vano May 22, 2015

Old Betsy

Something old looking and/or barely functioning.

"Look Ma, Joe got Old Betsy run'n."

by 123_not_it March 16, 2016

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Betsy Bug

Comparing a person, normally a close friend or younger relative, to a fictitious bug using different adjectives. This term is typically used by elderly women.

"Why, you're acting crazier than a Betsy Bug!"

by I Am Sped December 22, 2008

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betsying out

going crazy and speaking to bert when he isnt really there.

we woke up and she was betsying out and flushing her ipod.

by kissi April 13, 2009

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Betsy Buns

the leader of the alien greys

"greetings you beautiful earthlings, i am Betsy Buns, welcome my friends"

by September 15, 2020