Source Code

bic lighter

A lighter that you can always count on to light no matter what. A Lighter that you should never leave home without.

My Bic Lighter still lit even after I had droped it in the stream

by Eric arconti June 14, 2008

51πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

bic boi

asian people say this. Their accent make them say *bic boi* but in realty it's big boy.

hello bic boi i wantah mc fleury

by x3ka January 8, 2011

237πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

bic boi

asian slang term for "big boy"

Lee: where u at bic boi?

by bicboi69 January 14, 2011

126πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A female human who is trying to acquire the BIC-code of a male by pretending to have romantic feelings for him.

BIC-Hoe: "I love you! What's your BIC-Code?"
Male: "Fuck you, BIC-Hoe!"

by julianjjz November 14, 2020


Acquaintance of B.BadondΓ©. Often used to refer to someone especially close to yourself. In the past it has been used occasionally by Derf.

Can also be applied in a derogatory sense.

What a bic

by LE2 crew April 8, 2011

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

bic pen

When you tried to not use the full word bitch and meant to write bich and typed so fast you forgot the h before you hit send. Then you end up with bic and just finished the sentence by adding pen because there are pens also named bic. It's an endearment.

"why are you being such a bic..pen"
"rude ass bic pen"

by kmoneyswag November 3, 2017

Bic Runga

She writes and produces her own songs, also plays her guitar for all of them. She's of Maori and Chinese birth and she's worked bloody hard for what she's got, instead of letting some blood sucking record company puppeteer her around, she's been herself and done what she wants, i.e. spread amazing music over the world through sheer perseverence, talent and individuality. The huge majority of today's popular young musicians should take a leaf out or three out of her book.

Bic Runga is known for touring with nothing but her acoustic guitar to keep her company.

by rxx August 9, 2003

33πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž