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Chemo Look

Going for a bald look. Comes from the word Chemotherapy which is a treatment one undergoes when diagnosed with Cancer.

Chemotherapy makes one's hair fall out.

Daniel Benoliel is going for a chemo look and I had to make this definition for him because he's stupid as fuck.

by Sharkoffs July 27, 2010

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chemo vag

when women try to shave their vaginal areas, and miss spots, making the area look patchy as if it went through chemotherapy.

HAHA, i just did peri care on my patient, and she has a chemo vag!!!!

Sometimes i try to shave, and miss spots giving the chemo vag look, but my husband still loves it :)

by Opposite Socks August 12, 2011

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An Advanced Form Of The Term "Chemo"
A chemo-latte is basically someone who pretends/tries to be both an emo and chav both at the same time but being slighty overpassive and gets caught up in their own world of their self-ego

Steve: hey scott how are you
Scott: I iz fine bruv but i feel a little bit lonely and self afflicting due to my sick rage which iz in my cage bruv, you know wat i iz chattin' about!
Steve: Shut up scott, you chemo-latte, and stop wearing eye-liner!

by Alternate Darkness April 5, 2009

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chemo warrior

A Chemo Warrior is someone who has Cancer and is going through chemotherapy and they are probably bald by now

Carol Jackson is a Chemo Warrior

by American Football Wank Stain April 14, 2014

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Soggy from the chemo

Line from MCR song Cancer. โ€œ baby Iโ€™m just โ€˜soggy from the chemoโ€™โ€

Baby Iโ€™m just soggy from the chemoooooooo

by Lreich556 June 22, 2021

chemo patient

While performing anal sex, you shave all of the hair off your partners head, ejaculate all over it and make them eat it.

If my girlfiends hair would ever grow back I'd give her another chemo patient.

by Zane and David May 2, 2008

chemo chi

Chemo chi is an Asian tern describing a feeling of overwhelming bliss when engaged in deep sensual and/or sexual activity while under the the influence of certain drugs. The net effect is due to a generous flowing of the positive life force "chi" through the body, mind and psyche. Westerners usually describe it as a powerful dopamine reaction in the brain caused by certain substances/

Deep in erotic sensations Ah, chemo chi! Go on, lose yourself in this infinite moment of pleasure.

by rethinker October 19, 2020