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I am not a whore.
I am not confused.
I am not “going through a phase”
I am not invisible.
I am not unfaithful.
I am not alone.

i’m chlamydia.

And that’s really all there is to it.

harvey: “all you ladies pop your pussy like this, shake your body, don’t stop, don’t miss”

simon: “just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now, lick it good, suck this pussy just like you should”

i’m feeling pretty chlamydia today

by harveyweinstein September 30, 2018


something yo ass gon get if you keep fucking other people

Clara got chlamydia because she was messing around with other dudes.

by trippleog January 2, 2023

Chlamydia Mary

1. An STI spin on the infamous historical figure Typhoid Mary. Also a spin on the more modern "Covid Mary."

2. An asymptomatic carrier of Chlamydia, who unwittingly and merrily spreads the virus to all those they have come in contact with.

3. The label “Chlamydia Mary” also takes on additional meaning in the LGBTQ community, by utilizing the gay 'camp' term “Mary” to an even more embodied extent. Applying it to those promiscuous individuals not heading social distancing via their sexual activities.

Chlamydia Mary has been out whoring around and now all her boyfriends are infected too. And Girl... they are NOT happy!! I mean....

by MickeyLACA April 21, 2022

Dog induced chlamydia

Sexual intercourse with pets, including dogs, can cause this

Did you hear about Noah Riffle? Yea he licked his dogs butt and got dog induced chlamydia

by Donkeytoot August 19, 2022

Chlamydia Dragon

When a dragon pees fire, it’s actually just chlamydia

Why wasn’t chlamydia dragon a plot line in GOT?

by Bill Gluckman 14 April 8, 2021

cringe chlamydia

A bacterial disease where the bacteria is cringe
Being overwhelmingly cringed out

Middle School pictures give me a cringe chlamydia!

by florencezoo April 10, 2022

Curvy Chlamydia

What one would call a prostitute with a nice body.

Bill: Hey Joe check out that girls bod snorting coke out the back I'd tap
Joe: Damn Bill I didn't realize you were into Curvy Chlamydia

by IncelSlayer83 August 22, 2019