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concentrated curl

When a BI (pronounced B... I. ie.. Bachelor Innovation ) student decided to work out at the gym and curls 10% of the way then uses one's other arm for the rest of 90%. Concentrated curls are the shiz

Go to UCCS's gym and watch chas do them.

"They're concentrated curls man"

by FlackCannon June 22, 2009

concentrated ignorance

A community or group that holds firmly to antiquated beliefs generally rejected by mainstream society.

'Eve not Steve' bigotry is concentrated ignorance... not just regular strength stupidity.

by third option July 7, 2015

Concentrated Area of poverty

People more commonly use the term ghettos. The term is incorrect when describing Blacks in America. Blacks live in concentrated areas of poverty. Not ghettos that is a term that was used to describe where Jewish people lived.

Well I'm headed to a well known concentrated area of poverty pray for me.

by Lady that is real July 27, 2022

Concentrated thot

A thot with three or less targets

"Have you seen Cameron? She's such a concentrated thot."

by _ok October 4, 2019