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dat cool guy

A faggot who had no friends and should kill themselves

Fernanda is one of those "dat cool guys" if you know what I'm saying.

by C.E.O of your Mom April 11, 2018

Cool Guy

The star of the YouTube video "Cool Guy Has Chill Day".

It's Cool Guy!

by Aqxer June 8, 2021

cool guy

A person, typically male, engaging in activities not for the end result, but rather for the sake of the process itself, and how the process makes other people perceive them (typically, like a cool person doing cool things). The end result often reveals itself useless and pointless, but that does not stop a cool guy from wanting to reach it. Among other domains, cool guys populate tech fields and love to develop useless AI-ish apps, streaming footage taken of an ant colony, for example. Cool female guys also exist, but are harder to spot, as STEM fields are cool guys main playground, and there is a notorious lack of women in STEM fields in western Europe and the US.

Farouk showed me a new program he's working on allowing for LED lights to blink whenever someone passes the door to his room, even though he should be working on his school projects instead. He's such a cool guy.

by helltothepli July 20, 2020

Cool guy

A Cool guy is Someone that is not self aware enough to know they are a lolcow and buys beer as a main food source

Originally Popularized by the YMH podcast

See that cool guy over there that looks like dog the bounty hunter did to much meth and crawled out of a dumpster

by NotaHotmom66 June 15, 2023

max the cool guy

he smoke 10 cones and loves bongs

he a max the cool guy

by maxthecoolguy June 7, 2022

that cool white guy

that cool white guy in your life. He’s usually straight and cis but he’s like cooler than the other cis straight white guys in your life. Cool white guys usually love their mom and are probably afraid of bugs.

person 1: Hey there’s that cool white guy with his mom!!
person 2: that guys my favorite

by ilovepissyummypissyummy November 10, 2021

Lil cool guy

Being cool in a specific way defined by Joe.

Ant and Big Mike should make a tag team called the "Lil cool Guys".

by Tale spinner June 13, 2011