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Dimensional Aesthetics

The study of sensory perception(Aesthetics) over time.

While exploring dimensional aesthetics, man can start to factor in more than just 2, 3, and 4 dimensions into the enjoyment of perception. An italian meal can pleasure all 5 senses within 4 dimensions of space time, but the theory goes beyond, asking the questions, what does aesthetics feel like in the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimension...

by rhooks20 September 26, 2011

fourth-dimensional vampire

A fourth-dimensional vampire is someone who lives in a different timeline and only seeks to further their agenda, often times only appearing to vibe check unsuspecting people engaged in a different activity.

Derek:"Dam I can't believe Steven just dropped by to laugh at me playing cards at the local casino."
Josh: "Doesn't that dude have gremlins now? I haven't seen him since we graduated highschool 10 years back."
Derek:" Yea he hasn't changed much, he really is a fourth-dimensional vampire."

by Capuchin for Hire June 21, 2021