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dirty ej

When he is having sex with a guy but shits on his dick

I was having sex with Tyler but then he pulled a Dirty Ej

by GayFaggot696969 May 24, 2020

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Ej DiMera

hottest English gangsta of the soap opera world. who loves Sami Brady. Has 2 kids Johnny and Sydney Dimera Has a rocky relationship with his father the great Italian Stefano Dimera... Keeps Days Of Our Lives always interesting

Sami: You're a really good friend, and we haven't even known each other that long, E.J.

E.J DiMera.: Well, you know, I think the first time you see somebody, you know, buck naked, it does form a special bond. (August 9 2006)

that guy is sooo Ej DiMera

by Dancer1647 April 17, 2013

Pulling an EJ

When you commit yourself full scale 100% to an idea or job or whatever and then bail for no reason at all.

Bro, why the hell did you Pulling an EJ on us you are so sketch.

Stop pulling an EJ and get your life together.

by Kyle Snarkcom February 5, 2020

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He's a fucking retard and nobody likes him. He's a fucking nut job and he's crazy

Lox losers: ej, why are you retarded?
Elijah/ej(me):this can tastes like green

by Telep0rt February 21, 2022

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ej alo bidibou

A little bit funny and also a retarded joke a Youtuber "Simi" from the Balkans uses.

You: EEJ ALOO BIDIBOU, do you wanna play something?
Your friend: ej ej ej alo bidibou, of course man!

by Cubec6969 November 28, 2021

ej font e not

1. A slightly good looking black guy who is a complete ass-hole.
2. A guy who bashes other guys in order to take advantage of a girl.
3. a black guy who likes ATM (ass to mouth)

Hey Amy don't listen to ej font e not he is a shitty person and should be shot!

hey I went on a date with Carlos, he freaks me out, he's an ej font e not.

by Mad biotch March 24, 2008

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uncle ej

Someone with thick legs ,claims to be a gangster , soon to be a doctor, loves his children :)

She : Uncle Ej rocks!
She: I know right he is super smart with thick legs!

by Pretty face little waist May 1, 2021