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English teacher

Someone who finds symbolism in every word on the page and puts more thought into the writing than the actual author did.

For example;

Author: "John ate spaghetti for lunch"
What the English teacher thinks:
The spaghetti represents the pain and suffering us humans face every single day, and by John voluntarily eating this spaghetti, this represents the self destructive nature of us Homosapiens.
What the author actually meant:
John ate Fucking Spaghetti for lunch!

by dehydrated water May 10, 2022

English Teacher

Either an amazing teacher who actually makes the class interesting and lets you share your writing, a somewhat boring teacher who’s a little too into Lord of the Flies

Or the biggest creep in the entire school. If you get that one male English teacher, you feel uncomfortable every time you walk into the classroom. He says “hope everything comes out okay” every time you use the restroom, and is always talking about his college daughter or his dog. Everyone (even the kid who’s a suck-up) absolutely hates him, and common practices in that English class include shit-talking the teacher and playing CoolMathGames instead of doing his absolutely pointless essay.

Person A: “Hey, did you do Mr. Barham’s essay? English Teacher”
Person B: “Uh, fuck no? I hate that class.”
Person A: “Playing FireBoy and WaterGirl with Person C.”

by Phasmomaniac November 10, 2022

English teacher

A rat who makes you analyze the most simple words ever. He also often is a simp for girls that are 30 years younger then him.

"Read the text and make a summary in 50 paragraphs" - A rdm English teacher

by Laynad00 May 3, 2021

english teacher

annoying fuck who needs to stfu.

the English teacher is annoying

by guy who submitted this February 9, 2023

wids's english teacher



by widsisweed September 22, 2021

Slap your english teacher day

If u have a sexy english teacher (her/him) this is the national day to slap them.

Mrs. McDonald:why did u slap my ass?

Jake: Oh mrs. McDonald it’s slap your english teacher day :)

by crazycoay123 January 7, 2022

English Teacher Mentality Syndrome

a trait, carried by most English teachers, that requires over analyzing something in an attempt to feel intellectually superior, or to find a deeper meaning than is necessary.

the teacher said “the walls are blue to symbolize the rising depression in the household”, and the author quickly replied, “no, the walls are painted blue” this is an example of English teacher mentality syndrome

by The dark lord herman March 10, 2023