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Bri Forrest

A girl who is actually nice, friendly and fun. She doesn't deserve the hate and teasing she gets. For anyone who is mean to her or bothers her, stop. Don't be an asshole, especially when doing something so childish to hurt her.

Bri Forrest is a nice girl.
I have choir class with Bri Forrest.

by Weirdo_Gal March 13, 2019

The Forrest Whitaker

A sexual act in which you poo on your girlfriend's face, and rub it in with you penis until she resembles a Black Face actor. Then you shoot at point blank range a dick rocket into her left eye, making her squint - and then you put a gun to her head and yell, "Say you're Forrest Whitaker! And it better sound exactly like him or so help me God I'll fucking blow your doody stained head right off!!!"

Frank: How did everything go with Angela last night?

Dan: It was going pretty awful until I gave her The Forrest Whitaker.

Frank: Oh man, Score! Was it spot on?

Dave: No, and that's why I had to kill her.

Frank: Well, there's always tomorrow. Cheer up.

by tedwilli9 August 25, 2008

51👍 11👎

Forrest Gumpkin

Recieving oral sex from a retarded girl while taking a crap.

The waterhead with a hockey helmet on gave me a Forrest Gumpkin after she got off the shortbus.

by miller66 December 4, 2008

14👍 2👎

Mr Forrest

The sexiest chad in the entire universe. Owner and CEO of Mr. Forrest Gucci Pants™ Incorporated.

person 1: hey man, who is that cutie over there?
person 2:it's just Mr. Forrest, the sexist chad alive
Mr Forrest: *grabs ruler* I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson ;)
person 1:damn, ram ranch really rocks!

by Mr forrest gucci pants™ inc. May 24, 2020

Logan Forrester

A hogbeetle bitch that rides Bryces cock. Logan is a fucking loser that has little to no friends. Logan is still in search of a boyfriend but still no takers. If you name your kid Logan kill yourself.

Logan forrester is a cake face hogbeetle that gets no salami

by Mooncricketsimp August 3, 2020

Steve Forrest

The new drummer of the band Placebo. Noted for being more than a decade younger than the other two current members; for his elaborate tattoos, and for his drumming technique. The ex-drummer of the band Evaline, and also known in Florence É Florentino.
Steve, although a drummer, is known to sing and play guitar.

"Have you seen Steve Forrest? Apparently Abercrombie make people now!" *yayz*

Norm one: "Look at the tattoos on that!"
Norm two: "Look at the sticks on that!"
Placebo diehard: "That's because he's Steve Forrest."

by i_spy_bri_pie June 9, 2009

65👍 23👎

Aidan Forrest

Some Aidans could be great bf's, but others not so much. especially this kid Aidan Forrest who likes to cheat on girls, and hits on every girl he sees even when he has a gf. He's still obsessed with this one girl so he liked to use other girls to make her jealous, but it never works, so he just ends up looking like a dick. actually he doesn't even need to do anything to make himself look like a dick because his reputation says it all . Aidans are definitely the hottest people you will ever meet, and the best kisser, but you gotta watch out for a kid like Aidan Forrest because their dangerous.

Aidan Forrest is a dick. No one likes him. So WATCH OUT!!!!

by rubymatch. May 16, 2019