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Gunther punch

The act of punching someone in the trans-scrotal-rectal area. Also known as the taint. Generally followed by a loud exclamation of surprise and/or pain from the recipient.

He was being a dick, so when he went up the ladder, I gave him the good old gunther punch.

by International Barfighter April 18, 2010

Mrs. Gunther

She is that one teacher who you can't stand no matter what you do. She doesn't answer the question that you ask, she just repeats the question in a different way. When you ask for help, she lets out a long sigh and says in a mundane voice "yes?" And worst of all, she is an esser.

I fucking hate Mrs. Gunther. oh I'm sorry, I meant Mrsssssssss. gunttttthhhher

by I hate weaboos September 12, 2017