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howls moving castle

An incredible movie by Hayo Miyazaki, who also created such films as Spirited Away, Porco Rosso and Princess Mononoke. A visual masterpiece and a beautiful story. Based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones.

Howl's Moving Castle is a good movie. Everyone should see it, not just the crazy "otaku" kids who live at Atomic Comics reading manga.

by Waqcku July 3, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

howling monkey

to have wild sex numerous times for hours on end which usually ends with the girl howling like a deranged rabies infested monkey and asking for more

I fucked Sara so hard last night she looked like a howling monkey and she kept calling me rafiki.

by Nic Kalaf November 29, 2007

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Howling hound cat

A howling hound cat is when you ejaculate at the same time as pulling a females hair then fisting her all at the same time

Man I gave Stephanie a howling hound cat last night and her gooch is still soar

by Pussy_slayer_69420 November 7, 2020

Howling Tree Monkey

Required items:

The table must be the exact same height as the point where the female bends. It must be short enough for the female to be able to hold on to the far end of the table. The female must lean over the table and take a firm grasp. The male then inserts his penis into the vagina of the female from the rear. During intercourse, the male must grab ahold of the female's shoulders with both hands. Without relinquishing penetration, the male must carefully raise his legs from the floor to a position where both feet are on the table, straddling the female. This position gives a very animal-like feel which heightens pleasure to unimaginable level.

"I heard that Chris pulled the Howling Tree Monkey on Megan last night."

by Chris Acosta and Megan Smith March 29, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irritable Bowel Howl

A low pitched howling noise someone with IBS makes when they are feeling some kind of discomfort, often emotional. It can also be used to accentuate a sentence with little to no effect. The noise can be be best described as the sound that a dinosaur would make when hit by a train.

1: Zack: Joe, you're retarded.

2: Mark: Man, I'm awesome at this HHNNNNGGGGG.
Jack: Nice Irritable Bowel Howl, there.

by srj1224 February 3, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

howl's moving castle

By the author Diana Wynne Jones, a children's book, and a totally kick-ass movie by the director of Spirited Away,Hayao Miyazaki.Also known as Hauru no Ugoku Shiro. An amazing fatasy story( and movie) with a totally sweet ending, about a young girl Sophie and a heart-eating wizard Howl.The book has a sequel, castle in the air. The character, howl, stole the heart of many young girls who have watched the movie

A: hey do you know that howl is the main character of the movie.
B: duh. erm. actually, howl's actual name is howell, which is such a pity, cause the name, howl, goes so totally well with amazingly good looks.*sigh*

by howl June 11, 2005

77๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thurston Howl the Third

Nickname for a classy professional drinker at a party who can handle his alcohol, bartend, ect. somehow keeping it all together when normal people should have passed out hours ago.

"How the hell is it possible for Thurston Howl the Third to still be drinking?"

by lets start drinking January 26, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž