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Let your fingers do the walking

The act of fingering a chick. Could also refer to female masturbation.

Does she like it when you let your fingers do the walking?

by Fenwicks lover September 23, 2008

11👍 12👎

Lets DO something!

Wank tosspot MBA phase to 'motivate' perceived lesser individuals

speads virally, thrives in an environment of nerdy dead arsery

Me: Look arse, this report is still arsefest, I'm outahere

Boss: ok, Lets DO something! (You stay late and work your arse off, whilst I continue counting my money)

Me: Ok, you do something cunt. Swivel on my stapler, take a spin on me hole-puncher, take your MBA and shove it up your arse.. etc etc

by Alice Sea Kitten April 23, 2004

Let The Jonitor Do His job

Yes it's spelt Jonitor instead of Janitor. Instead of saying "let bro cook" you say "let the Jonitor do his job"

"what is bro yapping about??"

"Hold on let the Jonitor do his job"

by Will.s8472 April 15, 2024

lets do it stewart

a stupid saying myself and my mates have started saying when we want another team member to hurry up!

yo stef, we gotta go, lets do it stewart!

by the jut September 2, 2012

Let's do it the larry way

When a gay couple has to hide their relationship, so they find a stunt Person to be 'straight'

"no one can know about our realtionship, so let's do it the larry way"

by Spookyscaryboob August 25, 2021