Source Code

Caryn Lim

Smart sexy asian girl.

by Cyrus August 26, 2003

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Michael Lim

That one gigachad asian kid.
Simultaneously the smartest and dumbest guy in any given situation.

Girl: I really like Michael Lim, I want his hand pictures.
Girl's Best Friend: I can see why, he's such a gigachad.

by ioitsujax November 21, 2021

lim lob

A fool
A bonehead

Billy has no idea what he is doing, he is such a fucking lim lob!

by Bud O. May 5, 2008

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shaun lim

one of the smartest people in the world but is too lazy to use their knowledge.can be considered a genius

shaun lim rules

by Qwertronica September 20, 2003

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Jayden Lim

Jayden Lim has a very large cock. He has big lips and is a very good kisser. He is also good in bed.

Jayden Lim is so good in bed.

by Johnnnnnn Paul October 30, 2020

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Adriel lim

Simply the most awesome guy in the world

Too good for sentences is adriel lim

by New age hero April 8, 2018

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hwanchol lim

a man that stares out the window for 30 minutes at a time

he pulled a hwanchol lim so much that he never slept

by kwan=ping del-toro February 27, 2008

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