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Usually a sweet, kind and caring, beautiful girl that is very insecure of herself and doesn't realize how much other people care about her. She is beautiful on the inside and out, usually very skinny(but doesn't know that) and very funny.

I love you Lauren

Jeremy: who is that amazing girl?

Reid: that must be Lauren

by Chubby_Unicorns August 8, 2015

133πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Usually looks amazing and can look good in just about everything but she doesn't think so

"Woww lauren is such a model"

"Pity she doesnt see it too"

"How can she not"

by princessjasmin11 September 21, 2011

223πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Lauren a word that you use when u found your true friend and when you had a great day. You can also use it when u see someone who is a super funny and weird person. You can also use it when you see someone who has an amazing personality

You are definitely a Lauren!

by I a unicorn inside April 27, 2017

63πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Lauren is a name that describes the best girl in the world the one who is the most attractive amazing awesome popular girl
But what people don't know is what's she's like for her boyfriend she mean the world to him he would do anything to love her for his whole life he would give up his money his job his pets his house his everything just for her just to love her the feeling you get when u hear her say I love you is the best thing that will ever happen to you ever if you get that chance to hear her say I love you to you take it and run don't look back cause if you do you regret anything you will loose your Lauren and if that happens life is over for you for me for every thing I personally will never let my Lauren go ever she's way to important to me and I love her way to much

Damn bro that's Lauren

Yeah ain't she amazing

Hell yeah you are hella lucky man

by Laurenisbae.33 February 29, 2016

112πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A girl with an amzing sense of humor. Loved by many, and doesn't care what people think about her. Sings without even knowing, and says what she thinks. The only guys that meet her expectations live in a foreign counrty, and they seem to like her too. She'll be famous one day, just watch.

German guy: Sie ist so hΓΌbsch! Ich liebe Lauren<3

by a12b3c4d5e April 15, 2012

162πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A Lauren is an amazing girl with beautiful blue eyes, outgoing, and fun to talk to. She's quite shy at first but once you get to know her she's the bomb diggity. Lauren is someone who is very caring and puts others before her. If you are ever encountered by a Lauren make sure she knows she's special. Lauren's are very rare now a days so coming in contact with one can be quite extraordinary.

Wow did you see that beautiful girl over there? She's such a Lauren!

by okiee June 24, 2014

135πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Lauren is a girl who hides many feelings to get away from it all. You can fall in love with her amazing eyes, her sweet voice, and her award winning smile. She hides everything from everyone, and usually when she opens up to you she trusts you a lot. Never break Lauren's heart because just as she's able to hide a lot of feelings, she can keep many of your secrets and can be cruel enough to let them loose.

"Hey who is that girl?"
"That's Lauren. Man she's amazing but don't hurt her."
"Why not?"
"Because she'll become more cruel then you can imagine."

by Nathaniel D. Williams July 5, 2015

117πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž