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Joe McCarthy

In hindsight he was right.The Communists did thoroghly infiltrate our government and the FDR administration.Today the Republicans advance the radical left's socialist agenda and the Democratic party everyone knows is openly socialistic.Hollywood is clearly radical leftwinged and actors are constantly injecting themselves into politics or spewing their radical leftist memes and agitprop.

"ACTORS" should not be allowed anywhere near politics.They are "ACTORS",they "play roles" in order to portray fantasy to the public.Politicians are supposed to be accountable to us and deal in facts and reality.To have an actor portraying a role is to deal the public fantasy and lies.It is the ultimate deception.

Joe McCarthy was probably himself a commie portraying a specific role and task on the way towards communizing this country.It was probably a deliberate misdirection ploy to misdirect the public's attention to later subtle communization tactics.

by fweep October 7, 2005

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Cameron McCarthy

Extremely sexy and very smart

Gets all the girls and is hot

And they always have six packs

Cameron McCarthy is so hot and smart

by Big boy 572 October 20, 2021

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Connor Mccarthy

A man, likely redheaded and residing in Ireland, who has a perfect smile, a nine inch penis, perfect arms, and a huge heart. He will always be a great friend, and a dream of every girl who he encounters--likely some guys as well. All his female friends will probably want to, or will, give him head and/or sleep with him.

"Did you hear? Connor Mccarthy beat Superman in a super competition?"

by Chelsea Sachs February 4, 2012

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Josh McCarthy

Big dick energy.....except he actually has a big dick. A rare and complicated animal however after some intensive training moderately tolerable. Often has outbursts of energy including rage, weirdness and laughter often dominates females via tickling, extremely knowledgeable howeverr often fails to put his knowledge to use. Recently obtained a cleaning fairy as his habitat can become disgraceful. But besides all that his humour and ability to make people smile makes him the most amazimg specimen to ever exist and anyone lucky enough to know him should treat him the best they can. His heart is to big for the world.

Josh Mccarthy is a one of a kind bad bitch.

by Bogey April 11, 2020

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mrs mccarthy

A sexist teacher who fucking hates anyone not female they are a stupid shitty teacher and she bangs mr reece every day

She’s like mrs McCarthy

by Dimpy-1 December 5, 2017

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Brendan McCarthy

A Kiwi-born (NZ but typing NZ should have no periods because of being influenced from Britain) pitchman who wants to fuck your ears all the time from day to night by telling about the product he is showcasing on that stupid ass TV just like an Englishman who wants to fuck a "Mainland European" lady who looks, sounds like a man and speaks broken English at all.

You may remember him (along with fellow pitchmen Billy Mays and Vince Offer) from the late mid and late 90's to present as a pitchman across the Philippines through his now-canned but disputed propaganda called "Value Vision" (not to be confused with the one that NBC owns now called as Evine) and currently acting as the same work for its successor called "TV Shop (Philippines)" starting from 2014 to present and he is just wanna fuck your ears again so you better stop buying and watching useless TV just to get rid of him and his useless looks at all... - ialociN

Brendan McCarthy is not the same as the other McCarthy!!!

by The Saviour of Takeshima July 14, 2018

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Doing a John McCarthy

Going into a store with a huge jacket, then whilst facing away from the cashier starting to in a really sensual way touch all the candy and putting your hands down your pocket smoothly.

is usually done when on ones phone

Damn nigger cashier thought i was stealing and punched me in the face and balls. Guess i was doing a John McCarthy

by Negerslaven November 24, 2011

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