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Cock Mocking

Teasing your friend for the way that they hit on someone
see cockblock

Guy 1: So I ran into (___) yesterday and damn she was fine.
Guy 2:"and what did you say?"
Guy 1:"Hello Gorgeous"
Guy 2:"Hello Gorgeous? Wow that's pathetic"
Guy 1"You cock mocking me?"

by MALCOLM XXX November 9, 2012


V. Derived from the term Cock-Block. When a friend or bystander prevents you from making fun of someone.

You: Hey man, do you like fish dicks?
Friend: Just leave that poor kid alone.
You: Thanks a lot you mock-blocker.

by gerbinator2013 July 23, 2009

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syb mock

Anyone can drop a normal mock on someone like "you're ugly" or "you're stupid" but it takes a special someone to drop a dirty syb mock involving sybians, butt juice, vag juice and big round black sybian heads.

Any shit talk that involves sybian machines can be classified as a syb mock.

You enjoy sitting your fat ass on that nasty twin headed sybian dcarl WUWU WUWU. Drop that syb mock on your friends and see what they say.

by zoneseek October 4, 2006

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mock chicken

Mock chicken is when you are going so freaking fast that you can’t even explain it

Woah! You ran so fast You went mock chicken!!!!

by Jennytheblock123 April 6, 2021

Mock 85

A specific, overused and emphasized term shared a prestigious and intense English and AP Seminar teacher to compare a certain individual’s work to that of a superior researcher, source, and/or author.

“If you wanna go to Hardvard or Standford or some topnotch ‘Mock 85’’ Ivy League, your college board video has got to be outstanding... in all categories.”

by JoJo Síwa September 28, 2018

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honkey mocking

When black people wear white face

Look at all this Honkey mocking!

by D-Rok1982 May 31, 2016

Mock Pyramid

a pyramid-like structure created to make people of Egyptian/Syrian decent feel more at home.

Hey Nemer, I made you a mock pyramid and spread some sand around so you don't miss your house.

by HumBabe March 6, 2005

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