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Pink Nomad

A young grey nomad. ie pink behind the ears. Younger generation travellers that have sold out and packed up, waiting for the parents to die so they can pick up the inheritance.

These young millenial travellers of today are trying to be like grey nomads , but their a bit pink behind the ears.

Yes , theyre just Pink Nomads

by justafleshwound2 September 25, 2019

Porn Nomad

A porn nomad is someone who travels to a state that allows unrestricted viewing of PornHub.

Christopher ColumBust had to become a porn nomad because Virginia blocked PornHub.

by OdinSoundTV July 9, 2023

Gutsy Nomad

A member of a people who are marked by courage, who boldly experience life, who give utmost respect to places visited and people met.

My life can be difficult for people to grasp. The most common question is, "Why do you keep moving?" The most relatable answer that has come to me is, "I'm a gutsy nomad."

by Gutsy Nomad May 23, 2022

Digital Nomad

One who derives income remotely and online, rather than from commuting to an office. This enables the digital nomad to not need a permanent home base, and she/he can travel anywhere at any time.

Often find them couchsurfing, living in hostels, with friends, or in third world countries where rent is cheap.

Digital nomads are boss because they are their own boss and can get lost and still be ok.

by Tyler345 April 7, 2015

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Forum Nomad

A person who joins a forum, sticks around for any period of time between a few weeks to a year or two, then falls away from the forum as he or she joins a new one.

Cory hasn't posted in a year now, but I tracked him across 5 other boards before I found out which one he's frequenting now. He's such a Forum Nomad.

by Lord Sammy of the BBQ November 3, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Digital Nomad

1. A trust fund kid who has a job that is not really rooted in reality. They travel and spend beyond their own means for long periods of time. Perpetually pretending to have a perfect social media life and considers themselves intellectually superior to most conventional earners. They almost exclusively use white and or passport privilege to their direct economic advantage whether or not they acknowledge the abuse of said privilege.
2. Most people named Greg.
3. Someone you only swipe right on tinder if you are really poor and are desperate for a meal in a foreign country.
4. One of hundreds of thousands of bloggers who's primary audience is their immediate family members who live vicariously through their travels and likely finance them.

5. Code work for drug smuggler. Like usually they smuggle drugs. Or they could be a camboy/camgirl.

Person 1: "I heard from Greg the other day! He said he was getting Shanghai'd to China to start his life as a Digital Nomad in China!"
Person 2: "Greg?!? That dude can't swim, I bet you $500 he's dead in a month."

Person 1: "I don't think he understands the definition of Shanghai'd i.e. the practice of kidnapping people to serve as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence."
Person 2: "So he's just spending more of his dad's money isn't he?"
Person 1: "Yeah, unless he's smuggling drugs or being a camboy..."
Person 2: "I'd pay money to see him stick opium in his ass."
Person 1: "I always said he had potential!"

by Ramalakomma March 21, 2019

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going nomad

quitting, giving up, or taking the easy way out.

Jax was having some trouble with the Son's and thought it would just be easier, "going nomad".

by loving, caring November 25, 2009

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