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Nyquil Jordan

Take 3 shots of nyquil, leave the house for a year and a half, then return and take 3 more

"Why's Michael leaving? He's gonna black out"

"Oh he's doing the Nyquil Jordan. He'll eventually be back with someone who fucked Madonna"

by djmoy20 January 23, 2022

NyQuil Nap

The super awesome deep sleep you get after taking NyQuil.

Terry: Gee golly, I'm so tired!
Phillip: I'm not, I had a NyQuil nap last night.

by Bootybootybootyrockitevrywayuh December 12, 2012


The consumption of Nyquil to reach a desired effect, such as sleeping.

I had to resort to Nyquilling last night to finally get some rest.

by debpossible November 20, 2017


When someone gets knocked out unconscious in a fight around a lot of people

"Dang, he just got nyquilled in front of everyone at the gas station!"

by Mystic Styles September 3, 2023

homemade nyquil

When you can’t fall asleep so you bust a fatty in order to go to bed

Dude last night I couldn’t fall asleep so I took some homemade nyquil!

by Papafluffdaddy December 26, 2017