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some dude co-leader of the council of lava chicken. loved by everyone in the council. He is loving and kind and AWESOME

leader of lava chicken "hey Shayan you are really cool"

Shayan "thanks, leader of lava chicken"

by secret talker November 18, 2019


He has a big pp and he is sexy.

Person A: Who is that SEXY guy?

Person B: His name is Shayan and he has a big pp.

by Kolon November 22, 2021

Shayan K

An Indian monkey that only climbs trees and makes spices.

Jule: Damn did you see Shayan K earlier, he was making all of the good stuff
Vape: Yeah I got so many spices from him

by Fried Dylan J June 12, 2022

shayan gul

hes literally ryan gosling christan bateman and batman comibined he also has the n word pass and is slighly autistic and maybe retarted

i have a crush on shayan gul

by you mamas bed warmer May 30, 2023

babaye shayan

koskeshe doalam,a person who have no brian,kos maghz

dadash mage babaye shayani:mage kose boz too maghzete?

by faefawdae May 28, 2021

Shayan & Shifa

Shayan & shifa are a cute couple who will soon marry each other and live happily for the rest of their lives. They are striving to get better and best for each other by being understanding, kind and more loving <3

Aww shayan & shifa are such a cute couple I really wanna be like them!!

by Bunnysan November 22, 2021